Kristin Elmore

Professional Background: 
Western Carolina University- Bachelors in Health and Physical Education
Contact Information: 
Grading Procedures: 
Major Grades (40%)- Participation  
Minor Grades (35%)- Health Class
Classwork/Homework (25%)- Dress out for Physical Education
Classroom Expectations and Procedures: 

Physical Education and Health Syllabus

Oak Grove Middle School


PE Teacher’s Name:__ELMORE_____________________


Course Description:


This course is a part of the North Carolina Essential Standards.  The Healthy Living Curriculum is designed to promote lifelong physical activity through various activities.  That includes cooperative activities, fitness assessment, individual sports, team sports, and leisure activities.  Also, it is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle by providing accurate information and skills for students to make healthy choices in life.


Classroom Expectations:


P.E. Pledge

  1. I will come to class on time and prepared.
  2. I will listen and follow the directions of the teacher.
  3. I will respect my teachers and classmates.
  4. I will put equipment back in its proper place.
  5. I will not horseplay, fight, or push in the gym or the locker room.


Lockers and Locks:


It is recommended but not required for each student to get a locker with a lock to use in the locker room. If the student wants a locker and a lock it is their responsibility to use the locker that is assigned to them to lock up their belongings.  If anything is stolen or missing from the locker room we are not held responsible. Locks are to stay on the gym lockers at all times!  It should never leave the locker room or be placed inside of their locker.  There will be a $5.00 replacement fee at the end of the year if the lock is missing.


PE Grading:


All students begin each 9 weeks with a 100% average.  PE will represent 60% of the final grade.  25% is for dressing out and 40% is for participation.  If a student does not dress out they will receive a 60% for the day.  Additional points may be deducted for lack of poor sportsmanship and classroom behavior.  It is imperative that students dress out and participate for good hygiene, higher fitness, and skill achievement, and safety.


Health Grading:


Health will represent 35% of the final grade.  Grades will come from classwork, projects, and tests.   When students have Health they will report directly to the Health classroom with paper and pencil.  It is the student’s responsibility to request and make-up work when they are absent.


Discipline Procedures:


  • 1st Warning: MIR 1
  • 2nd Agenda contact signed by parent: MIR 2
  • 3rd Call home: MIR 3
  • 4th Time out
  • 5th Office referral